Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 12, 2012

If it's "intelligently designed"... and Blue-Lotus


Science without religion is lame.  Religion without science is blind - Albert Einstein
Nhận định này có nghĩa là: Khoa học mà không có sự mở mang trí tuệ để hướng đến tính thiện (mục đích chính của tôn giáo) thì không đầy đủ, và tôn giáo mà không được kiểm chứng bởi những sự kiện hiển nhiên đã chứng minh bởi khoa học thì chỉ là mù lòa tin bướng, tin càn.
   Even a universe that is completely chaotic, without any laws or regularities at all, could be supposed to have been designed by an idiot.
- Steven Weinberg, Giải Nobel Vật Lý, Giáo sư Đại học Texas, Austin -
Ngay cả một vũ trụ hoàn toàn hỗn loạn, không có bất cứ một định luật hay sự điều hòa nào có thể cho rằng đã được thiết kế bởi một tên ngu đần.

Intelligent or Ignorant ?
  It is called Socrates irony
A fool shows himself, an intelligent. 
An intelligent thinks himself, an ignorant.
Ego plays the great role; in fact, it is hard to decide for other one, and it is easy to decide for oneself. An egoless person can’t see ego in anyone, nor would say, “You have the ego problem,” rather, would assist you to take a jump beyond it.
Ha Ha Ha... 

Better Stop Blogging From This Post ...

In Gladness and In Safety - May All Beings Be At Ease
 ... Từ Bi - Độ Thế
 ... No Mud - No Lotus

So why does the lotus remain unpolluted by the waters?  It’s not actually the lotus flower that does this, it’s the leaves.  And it’s due to something called the lotus effect.  Basically, due to the unique structure of the lotus leaves, water beads up and runs right off of it.
It’s not the water that pollutes the leaves, instead it cleans them of debris.  Because there is no clinging between the water droplets and the leaf’s surface, the water washes over them with no hindrance, cleaning away any filth or pollution that might have settled.  Scientifically speaking, “due to their high surface tension water droplets tend to minimize their surface trying to achieve a spherical shape. On contact with a surface, adhesion forces result in wetting  of the surface: either complete or incomplete wetting may occur depending on the structure of the surface and the fluid tension of the droplet .  The cause of self-cleaning properties is the hydrophobic water-repellent double structure of the surface.”
Anyway, so what’s the whole thing all about?  Well, if you combine those two metaphors, what you have is something that starts out as a seed hidden under the mud (suffering), which begins to grow from that mud and eventually sprouts leaves.  Those leaves, if any mud happens to get on them, simply do not cling to it and the mud washes easily away.  And from that, the flower blooms.  All life is suffering, as the Buddha teaches, and so all life is the opportunity for enlightenment.
And no mud, no lotus.
“It’s like growing lotus flowers. You cannot grow lotus flowers on marble. You have to grow them on the mud. Without mud, you cannot have a lotus flower. Without suffering, you have no ways in order to learn how to be understanding and compassionate. That’s why my definition of the kingdom of God is not a place where suffering is not, where there is no suffering…” - Thich Nhat Hanh -
As a blue or white lotus is born in the water,
grows up and is unpolluted by the water,
so too has the perfected one grown up in the world,
has risen above the world
and stands unpolluted by it.
- Samyutta Nikaya 22 94 -

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